Q: Are you a factory or a trading company? A: We are craft sculpture factory and professionals for many years.
Q: Can you arrange shipment for us?
A: Yes. We will notify you when your order is complete and we can arrange for delivery. Different order terms have LCL shipping and FCL shipping, buyers can also choose air or sea shipping according to your requirements.
The logistics company will contact you when your order arrives at your local nearest sea port or river port.
Q: Can you guarantee your products?
A: Yes, we guarantee your 100% satisfaction with all our products.
If you are not satisfied with the quality or service of DBS, please feel free to give us feedback, if the product does not meet the contract requirements, we will replace it for you for free or compensate you on the next order.
Q: Can we test your samples?
A: Yes, the sample fee will be refunded to you when ordering in bulk.
Q: Can we put our logo on the product?
A: Yes, your logo can be put on the product if the order quantity of your specific model reaches a certain quantity.
Q: Does my order have a tracking number?
A: Yes, we have a unique tracking number for each order shipped, you can check the status of the shipment on the corresponding website.